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What Is Blue Collar? Clothes, Lifestyle & More

For most of us, when we think of the term blue collar, we think working class. In Boston, the term refers to much more than that. It's our culture and our pride. It's even our style. The term blue collar has many connotations, but to Bostonians, it defines the scrappy, hard-working mentality of our beloved city. Boston is a tough town. Boston is blue collar.

It's on this notion Boston Scally Company was built. Chasing dreams takes hard work, grit, and perseverance. We wanted to provide fellow Bostonians and those elsewhere with the chance to own a cap or hoodie that sums up Boston, so we strapped our boots on and did it. We're not going to stop there either, so take a moment to get a lesson on Boston culture and the term that defines it. Blue collar is more than a term here, it's a lifestyle.

Blue Collar: Origins of the Term

The common definition of the term blue collar would be a working-class citizen who performs manual labor to make their living. These people are factory workers, manufacturers, oil rig workers, firefighters, mechanics, and everyone else who literally works hard for their money. As far as origins go, the term actually emerged in contrast to the preceding white collar worker, whose typical office apparel consisted of the clean white shirt. Here in Boston, our shirts are blue.

Since the early days, working-class clothes used durable canvas to resist the wear and tear they often withstood. The blue color was to conceal the probable dirt and grease that'd stain the clothing. Despite the term's origins, it all boils down to one thing: blue collar involves physical, often painstaking labor.

While this is true, blue collar work isn't just how we make a living. It's how we live. The term doesn't have to apply strictly to our work ethic, as we apply this gritty mentality to all aspects of our lives. You've got to work to win, and we know all about that here in Boston.

Boston and the Blue Collar Mentality

Some may argue the notion that Boston is still "blue collar", considering the city's rise in the medical and biotech industries, but like we said, blue collar applies to more than the work we do. It applies to our upbringings and our community. The people of Boston are tough, tight-knit, and full of pride. And that's how we define blue collar. From the way work to how we live, Bostonians are proud to boast the blue collar and working class lifestyle, and a great way to show that is through our caps and clothing!

Share the Boston Mentality with Us

If you're feeling as pumped and ready as most Bostonians do, get your hands on the stuff that represents our blue-collar mentality. Baseball tees, hoodies, and scally caps are what we choose to wear, and you can check our entire selection here. If you have any questions or comments, send 'em here.